Sarah Calcutt, Chairman said “Following the success of last year’s Show, we are looking forward to an even larger show. The fantastic new building allows us to place the competition fruit at the heart of the action and gives great space to our exhibitors”.

The Show is also delighted to announce that all four of the Major Sponsors will continue to support the 2015 Show, with Produce Packaging providing the competition packaging. Norman Collett Ltd is now known as the new marketing venture Avalon Produce Ltd; made up of Norman Collett, FGA (Fruit Growers Alliance) and SGT (Society of Top Fruit Growers) merged to form a fully integrated marketing and growing group. The Marden Fruit Show Society are delighted to welcome Avalon Produce Ltd as the fourth Major Sponsor for 2015.

The highly popular National Fruit Show Dinner will remain at the Kent Event Centre but will take place in the Hendry Pavilion. Hadlow College will sponsor the Show Dinner, and Orchard World the pre-dinner drinks reception.

Maria Clarke, Show Organiser said, ‘The Show Dinner being hosted at the Kent Event Centre site has worked exceptionally well for the past two years. Due to demand for the tickets, other Kent venues were unable to seat the number of guests wanting to attend. This we have dedicated an area of the John Hendry to hold the dinner. The space will also be available during part of the Show giving additional recreational area and seating”.

This year the Bonanza Prize, which was first announced at the Marden Fruit Show Society AGM, will be provided by Vigo Ltd, Honiton, Devon. Vigo supplies equipment, consumables and services for drink producers. Their range extends from apple juice and cider making equipment, winery equipment, brewery equipment, and equipment for the processing and bottling of many other drinks.

Vigo have exhibited at the Show for over ten years and have supported the Apple Juice competition since it started nearly 30 years ago. They are offering fruit growers a cash prize of £1,000 to be spent on a specific project to develop their business.

The Marden Fruit Show Society, Chairman of Judges, Brian Tompsett in consultation with Committee Members, has made a couple of changes to the Competition Schedule. This year there will be a compulsory one point deduction for fruit not displayed properly. Apples need to be displayed with eyes to the top of the tray or alternatively on their side with eyes to the right. The Sponsors Produce Packaging logo needs to be displayed the correct way up. Competition Pears can be packed in a number of ways and the Competition Schedule shows a number of images to help growers display their entries correctly.

Class 20, Under 26 Dessert apples in classes, has been amended to include exhibitors under 40 years of age and a new Class 21, Bramley, has been introduced for under 40’s. The Class 21 Trophy, The Arthur Goatham Memorial Trophy along with the Prize and Prize Money has been sponsored by Goathams.

Fruit for Class 20 must be within the size for the variety as listed for Classes 3-12 and Fruit for Class 21 must be within the size as listed for Classes 1 and 2. Entrants do not have to grow the fruit to enter these classes. They may seek advice but must pick, select and pack the fruit themselves. The name and date of birth of the individual entrant must be completed on the entry form.

Sarah Calcutt, Chairman said, “The decision to change class 20 and the addition of class 21 will see more entries in these competitions, which in turn is good news for the industry. We have also looked to enhance the rules for the nut competitions, which will now be displayed, together with the soft fruit, on newly commissioned staging for 2015”.

The National Fruit Show, Prizes and Prize Money stands at over £10,000 with twenty one Top Fruit Competitions, four Soft Fruit Classes and three Nut Classes. There are special competitions which include, The Tastiest Apple, Five Heaviest Apples, Five Heaviest Pears and prizes for the single heaviest fruit from each.

As always stand space is booked on a first come first served basis. There is no more space available in the Maidstone Exhibition Hall but a few spaces are still available in the John Hendry. Businesses or organisations interested in attending can fill in an online application form on the National Fruit Show website