The Kent County Agricultural Society is looking to recruit volunteers to support their charitable activities throughout the year. The Society organises the Kent County Show, Farm Expo, Heritage Transport Show and Living Land and has launched an appeal for volunteers to help at these events.

The appeal for volunteers comes as the Society marks it’s 90th Kent County Show and looks back at the work it has done since its foundation. The Society’s volunteers have always been central to its charitable work and so is using this special anniversary to thank the people who have supported it over the years as well as call for new volunteers to help the Society continue it’s work in supporting the county’s agricultural communities.

The Society’s headline event, the Kent County Show is always on the look out for stewards and has a variety of roles on offer. It’s many equine and livestock rings, heritage and garden life sections, trade areas and general roles mean there are plenty of opportunities to get involved at the Show, which this year takes place on 5, 6, 7 July.

The Society is also calling for support for the Living Land, a free event for Kent’s primary school children in May. The Living Land teaches its visitors about where their food comes from and needs volunteers to help guide schools through the different activities during the day.

The Society’s newest event, Farm Expo, is a great opportunity for those with an interest in farm machinery and the Heritage Transport Show is perfect for vintage vehicle enthusiasts looking to help in their local community.

Show manager, Lucy Hegarty, said: “The Kent County Agricultural Society has been working to support the county’s farming community since 1923 through our roster of events and educational programmes. This longstanding work would not have been possible without the people and volunteers who support us. Now that we’re celebrating our 90th Show, we’re launching our appeal for volunteers and stewards to help us continue to support Kent’s farming communities long into the future.”

Volunteering for the Kent County Agricultural Society is open to anyone and is the perfect opportunity to get behind the county’s farming charity. Each year, the Society thanks its volunteers with a Christmas dinner, long service awards, and provides food and drink when stewarding at their events. Find out how you can get involved by contacting Meghan Rice-Wilson on 01622 633057 or