John Smith, Managing Director, Weald Granary Ltd, reviews the 2024 harvest.

Harvest is in full swing again at Weald Granary, where we are taking in around 3,000 tonnes a day for our farmer members as we reach full capacity on the intakes and driers.

Weald Granary has 23 to 25 trucks available at any one time (allowing for breakdowns) servicing 180-plus farmer members and end users, is doing its best to keep everyone cleared in a timely manner and making sure deliveries reach customers on time.

The drivers, staff and students are all going the extra mile to ensure harvest goes as smoothly as possible for all, although it did seem strange drying grain in temperatures of 30 degrees-plus!

Harvest 2024 has been a mixed bag, as in recent years, with quality and yields varying widely over the region. Oilseed rape has in the main performed to expectations, with the majority dry and recording decent 45% oils. Winter and spring oats are nice quality and at 50+ specific weights, with a good 29t on a truck as opposed to barely 20t last year.

We are seeing a lot of low nitrogen (1.2% to 1.5%) in barley and low protein (8.5% to 11%) in milling wheat, particularly Extase, along with increased levels of cereal and grass ergot. In general, the later-cut crops coming in now are showing improving protein and reduced ergot levels.

A zero ergot tolerance was recently introduced on the new AIC (Agricultural Industries Confederation) contract, so fine cleaning and colour sorting will be required on a significant quantity of crops this season. Any ergot present in a 2Kg representative sample is recorded and attached in a bag with the retained samples in the lab.

Last year, ergot charging was: one to two pieces £2/t; three to five pieces £4/t; more than six pieces £8/t. We are currently reviewing ergot charging in light of the increased levels we are seeing.

Charges to members will be set to cover costs plus a small margin to cover wear and tear etc. Any third-party work is charged at a commercial rate.

  Weald Granary recently made a significant investment in a seven-chute 30tph Cimbria colour sorter which will be operational by early November. This will ensure Weald Granary can supply ergot-free cereals to customers.

Last year the granary introduced additional premiums for Group 1 and Extase over 13% protein and a premium low grade in the category 11.45% to 11.95% protein. This is a significant niche benefit to members and not available in the wider market. 

Quality claims are applied in line with store policy to reward members for the quality delivered and to offset any claims on delivery out and store blending costs. The granary intends to apply the same policy to the 2024 crop in order to reward members fairly for the quality delivered.

Overall, we are 65% complete on intake and bean harvesting is now underway, which is always a sign that the end is near; time for a welcome break, a few cold beers, a reintroduction to family and friends and some mackerel fishing from my 1968 Hurley 22 bought earlier this year.

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