November 30, 2018
Get any deal done
Is the whole country becoming so wet that an individual is unable to take mere words on the chin that might vaguely upset them?
November 30, 2018
Is the whole country becoming so wet that an individual is unable to take mere words on the chin that might vaguely upset them?
November 4, 2018
What an extraordinary autumn: warm, largely dry, with enough rain to germinate crops and allow application of residual herbicides with the hope they might work. What could go wrong?
November 4, 2018
What an extraordinary autumn: warm, largely dry, with enough rain to germinate crops and allow application of residual herbicides with the hope they might work. What could go wrong?
November 1, 2018
One of the UK’s biggest farming companies, Strutt and Parker Farms, has put itself up for sale for £200 million. “So what?” you may say.
November 1, 2018
One of the UK’s biggest farming companies, Strutt and Parker Farms, has put itself up for sale for £200 million. “So what?” you may say.
October 31, 2018
The writing has been on the wall from mid summer when it was clear that fodder supplies, the availability of vegetable by-products and the maize harvest were going to be hit by our hottest summer…
October 31, 2018
The writing has been on the wall from mid summer when it was clear that fodder supplies, the availability of vegetable by-products and the maize harvest were going to be hit by our hottest summer…
October 30, 2018
Some years are forgettable. Others lodge themselves very firmly in one’s memory, with 2001 being an example of the latter (those that were around at the time will know why). 2007 for similar reasons and…
October 30, 2018
Some years are forgettable. Others lodge themselves very firmly in one’s memory, with 2001 being an example of the latter (those that were around at the time will know why). 2007 for similar reasons and…
October 29, 2018
At best, the UK and world grain market has flatlined for the last few weeks. Prices have stabilised, everyone is waiting for the next key event.
October 29, 2018
At best, the UK and world grain market has flatlined for the last few weeks. Prices have stabilised, everyone is waiting for the next key event.