January 7, 2021
For a farmer of any age to retire is problematic
The Government has, at last, released its Path to Sustainable Farming plan for English farming post-Brexit.
January 7, 2021
The Government has, at last, released its Path to Sustainable Farming plan for English farming post-Brexit.
January 7, 2021
The Government has, at last, released its Path to Sustainable Farming plan for English farming post-Brexit.
January 6, 2021
Very best wishes to everyone for 2021, we can only hope that this coming year is a little less interesting than 2020, although I do think it was probably a little less challenging for sheep…
January 6, 2021
Very best wishes to everyone for 2021, we can only hope that this coming year is a little less interesting than 2020, although I do think it was probably a little less challenging for sheep…
January 6, 2021
Well, 2020 went out with more of a bang than a whimper, as far as grain prices go. Even with the low wheat crop that we forecast this time last year, no one could have…
January 6, 2021
Well, 2020 went out with more of a bang than a whimper, as far as grain prices go. Even with the low wheat crop that we forecast this time last year, no one could have…
January 6, 2021
So I’ve decided to avoid anything political or topical in this month’s article, as the world is moving on so swiftly that anything I write today may well be yesterday’s fish and chip paper by…
January 6, 2021
So I’ve decided to avoid anything political or topical in this month’s article, as the world is moving on so swiftly that anything I write today may well be yesterday’s fish and chip paper by…
January 5, 2021
The pandemic suppressed a lot of column inches on the impacts of Brexit.
January 5, 2021
The pandemic suppressed a lot of column inches on the impacts of Brexit.
January 4, 2021
“There is light at the end of the tunnel,” my eldest daughter assures me.