December 22, 2014
Highly virulent Asian-American pig disease has spread to Europe
A thimbleful of manure from an infected pig unit is sufficient to infect the entire British pig population
December 22, 2014
A thimbleful of manure from an infected pig unit is sufficient to infect the entire British pig population
December 22, 2014
A thimbleful of manure from an infected pig unit is sufficient to infect the entire British pig population
December 22, 2014
There must be further roll out of badger culling to other areas where bovine TB is rife as soon as possible following the Chief Veterinary Officer’s advice that the results of this year’s cull shows…
December 22, 2014
There must be further roll out of badger culling to other areas where bovine TB is rife as soon as possible following the Chief Veterinary Officer’s advice that the results of this year’s cull shows…
December 17, 2014
To help farmers thinking about changing the way they manage their grassland in 2015, Barenbrug has come up with five simple steps designed to help improve fields, pastures and paddocks.
December 17, 2014
To help farmers thinking about changing the way they manage their grassland in 2015, Barenbrug has come up with five simple steps designed to help improve fields, pastures and paddocks.
November 6, 2014
This year’s Ashford Cattle Show is on 1-2 December and finishes with the annual dinner.
November 6, 2014
This year’s Ashford Cattle Show is on 1-2 December and finishes with the annual dinner.
August 8, 2014
With temperatures recently hitting peaks of up to 32oC (90oF) inside piggeries, ventilation systems have been tested to their limits, says an environmental specialist. These temperatures have exposed a lack of maintenance as the major…
August 8, 2014
With temperatures recently hitting peaks of up to 32oC (90oF) inside piggeries, ventilation systems have been tested to their limits, says an environmental specialist. These temperatures have exposed a lack of maintenance as the major…
August 8, 2014
Despite an exceptional year for grass growth, technicians are warning that cobalt deficiency is threatening to limit lamb growth rates.