November 6, 2014
Show is backdrop to livestock industry
This year’s Ashford Cattle Show is on 1-2 December and finishes with the annual dinner.
November 6, 2014
This year’s Ashford Cattle Show is on 1-2 December and finishes with the annual dinner.
August 8, 2014
With temperatures recently hitting peaks of up to 32oC (90oF) inside piggeries, ventilation systems have been tested to their limits, says an environmental specialist. These temperatures have exposed a lack of maintenance as the major…
August 8, 2014
With temperatures recently hitting peaks of up to 32oC (90oF) inside piggeries, ventilation systems have been tested to their limits, says an environmental specialist. These temperatures have exposed a lack of maintenance as the major…
August 8, 2014
Despite an exceptional year for grass growth, technicians are warning that cobalt deficiency is threatening to limit lamb growth rates.
August 8, 2014
Despite an exceptional year for grass growth, technicians are warning that cobalt deficiency is threatening to limit lamb growth rates.
August 8, 2014
Meeting the strict demands of a milk contract that imposes restrictions on the ingredients used in cow rations, has meant even greater emphasis on the quality of grass and wholecrop forages in the TMR mix…
August 8, 2014
Meeting the strict demands of a milk contract that imposes restrictions on the ingredients used in cow rations, has meant even greater emphasis on the quality of grass and wholecrop forages in the TMR mix…
August 8, 2014
With targets to reduce national flock lameness to 5% by 2015, Progiene have launched a new footbath solution to the sheep market.
August 8, 2014
With targets to reduce national flock lameness to 5% by 2015, Progiene have launched a new footbath solution to the sheep market.
August 8, 2014
High numbers of flying insects caused by the extended warm summer spell is putting livestock, and in particular dairy cattle, at increased risk of disease
August 8, 2014
High numbers of flying insects caused by the extended warm summer spell is putting livestock, and in particular dairy cattle, at increased risk of disease