September 4, 2019
Pirbright grants licence for new foot-and-mouth disease vaccine
The new vaccine is more stable than current foot-and-mouth disease vaccines.
September 4, 2019
The new vaccine is more stable than current foot-and-mouth disease vaccines.
September 4, 2019
The new vaccine is more stable than current foot-and-mouth disease vaccines.
August 13, 2019
Farmers are being encouraged to pay close attention to detail when opening the clamp to minimise feed waste, maximise cow performance and bolster the bottom line.
August 13, 2019
Farmers are being encouraged to pay close attention to detail when opening the clamp to minimise feed waste, maximise cow performance and bolster the bottom line.
July 16, 2019
A new import vaccine could offer a cost-effective option to protect against Mycoplasma Bovis, with trials now under way on four dairy farms.
July 16, 2019
A new import vaccine could offer a cost-effective option to protect against Mycoplasma Bovis, with trials now under way on four dairy farms.
July 11, 2019
Consider alternative feeding strategies to reduce the cost of rations.
July 11, 2019
Consider alternative feeding strategies to reduce the cost of rations.
July 11, 2019
Farmers are warned to look out for the annual emergence of head flies (Hydrotaea irritans) from around mid-July, as these are a major source of annoyance for pastured cattle.
July 11, 2019
Farmers are warned to look out for the annual emergence of head flies (Hydrotaea irritans) from around mid-July, as these are a major source of annoyance for pastured cattle.
June 4, 2019
Buffer feeding a TMR could help overcome butterfat drops during the grazing season.