August 8, 2014
Desiccation timing to manage tuber size
Potato crops have enjoyed extremely good growing conditions across most of the UK this season
August 8, 2014
Potato crops have enjoyed extremely good growing conditions across most of the UK this season
August 8, 2014
Potato crops have enjoyed extremely good growing conditions across most of the UK this season
August 8, 2014
Keep an eye on volunteer rape now emerging in stubbles
August 8, 2014
Keep an eye on volunteer rape now emerging in stubbles
August 8, 2014
Growing grass and forage crops could alleviate some of the pain of low cereal prices and resistant blackgrass
August 8, 2014
Growing grass and forage crops could alleviate some of the pain of low cereal prices and resistant blackgrass
August 8, 2014
Farmers without black-grass have heard enough stories by now to know it won’t be a welcome addition to their rotation plans, nor would those with susceptible black-grass want a resistant strain adding to their problems.
August 8, 2014
Farmers without black-grass have heard enough stories by now to know it won’t be a welcome addition to their rotation plans, nor would those with susceptible black-grass want a resistant strain adding to their problems.
August 7, 2014
Stale seedbeds will be a crucial weapon in the fight against black-grass this season.
August 7, 2014
Stale seedbeds will be a crucial weapon in the fight against black-grass this season.
August 7, 2014
One of the first oilseed rape exports of harvest 2014 left the UK this week in what is expected to mark the start to a busy export season for merchants and traders.