April 12, 2018
Healthy soils – the key to unlocking yield
A focus on healthy soils and the impact it can have on crop performance is nothing new for Hutchinsons.
April 12, 2018
A focus on healthy soils and the impact it can have on crop performance is nothing new for Hutchinsons.
April 12, 2018
A focus on healthy soils and the impact it can have on crop performance is nothing new for Hutchinsons.
April 11, 2018
Growers should adopt an integrated approach to wild oat control this spring.
April 11, 2018
Growers should adopt an integrated approach to wild oat control this spring.
April 11, 2018
Oilseed rape in many northern areas is expected to be at very high risk from light leaf spot this spring, so crops must be fully protected throughout the crucial flowering period, agronomy firm Hutchinsons says.
April 11, 2018
Oilseed rape in many northern areas is expected to be at very high risk from light leaf spot this spring, so crops must be fully protected throughout the crucial flowering period, agronomy firm Hutchinsons says.
April 6, 2018
Freezing temperatures, snow and heavy rain have combined to wipe out arable farmers’ chances of getting on with early spring fieldwork.
April 6, 2018
Freezing temperatures, snow and heavy rain have combined to wipe out arable farmers’ chances of getting on with early spring fieldwork.
March 29, 2018
Blight control strategies will have to change this season if potato growers are to combat the spread of a new aggressive, fungicide-insensitive/ resistant strain of the disease, agronomy firm Hutchinsons says.
March 29, 2018
Blight control strategies will have to change this season if potato growers are to combat the spread of a new aggressive, fungicide-insensitive/ resistant strain of the disease, agronomy firm Hutchinsons says.
July 4, 2017
Black-grass seed returns this summer could equate to the same seed rate used to sow Wimbledon Centre Court.