June 7, 2019
Controlling docks between silage cuts
Grassland farmers may need to tackle dock infestations in silage fields in the next few weeks.
June 7, 2019
Grassland farmers may need to tackle dock infestations in silage fields in the next few weeks.
June 6, 2019
A new guide for contracting prices for 2019/20 has been published by the National Association of Agricultural Contractors (NAAC).
June 6, 2019
A new guide for contracting prices for 2019/20 has been published by the National Association of Agricultural Contractors (NAAC).
June 5, 2019
June 5, 2019
June 5, 2019
There is still no recommended chemical to control Verticillium so growers will have to grow varieties which have Verticilium resistance.
June 5, 2019
There is still no recommended chemical to control Verticillium so growers will have to grow varieties which have Verticilium resistance.
June 4, 2019
A new hybrid winter feed barley that has given consistently high yields over the last three seasons, as well as delivering added grain quality, is being launched to UK growers for this autumn.
June 4, 2019
A new hybrid winter feed barley that has given consistently high yields over the last three seasons, as well as delivering added grain quality, is being launched to UK growers for this autumn.
June 4, 2019
Buffer feeding a TMR could help overcome butterfat drops during the grazing season.
June 4, 2019
Buffer feeding a TMR could help overcome butterfat drops during the grazing season.