A new opportunity has opened up for farmers in the South East to supply miscanthus, a highly sought-after material in the animal bedding market, particularly for the equine industry.

The expansion is being driven by growing demand from Biosorb, a family-run business led by third-generation farmer and entrepreneur James Martin, based in Weeley.

Following increasing demand for miscanthus bedding, James is actively seeking regional growers to supply approximately 2,500 to 3,000 metric tons of dry miscanthus material annually. This material will feed into a dedicated bedding production line that includes a bale breaker, chipper, hammer mill and packing station.

James’s business model ensures convenience for growers, offering:

  • a turnkey service: The cutting, baling, chasing and transport to the processing plant are all handled by Biosorb.
  • a guaranteed income: Growers receive £55 net per metric ton of dry miscanthus material, including all harvest and transportation costs. Additional payments are available through Sustainable Farming Incentive actions.
  • long-term commitment: Miscanthus has a lifespan of 20-plus years, requiring minimal maintenance after planting.

James Martin’s success story

James Martin operates a 120 hectare family farm and leases an additional 120 hectares. Previously managing 600 cattle, the family made the bold decision to sell their livestock and invest in cutting-edge bedding machinery to focus on producing high-quality bedding materials.

“We’ve been in the hay and straw merchant and bedding supply business for three generations,” James explained. “Diversifying into miscanthus bedding through Biosorb was a natural step. It’s incredibly absorbent, making it the most sought-after bedding in the equine industry.”

As well as recruiting neighbouring farmers to grow miscanthus to supply his business, James planted 12 hectares of Terravesta AthenaTM miscanthus in 2024 and plans to expand further in the spring of 2025. “I’ll have my first commercial harvest in 2026,” said James. “But I’ll be able to top it and harvest some cane in spring 2025.”

James is working in partnership with miscanthus specialist Terravesta, which has established long term contracts with power stations in Norfolk and Lincolnshire as well as other regional bedding markets in the UK. The company collaborates with an increasing number of local farmers to supply whole miscanthus bales annually under long-term, index-linked contracts. 

Support for growers

James provides a guaranteed offtake agreement for all miscanthus grown under this initiative. In collaboration with Terravesta, any surplus biomass not used for bedding is supplied to power station customers, further safeguarding growers’ investment.

“The demand for miscanthus bedding has outstripped our current supply,” said James. “This is a great opportunity for farmers to secure a reliable, long-term income stream while contributing to a sustainable industry.”

Why miscanthus?

Miscanthus is a perennial crop that offers numerous benefits. It:

  • • improves soil health
  • • requires minimal maintenance after establishment
  • • thrives on less productive and flood-prone fields
  • • stores 2.35 tonnes of CO2e per year in the soil.
  • • its economics are such that it offers better returns than any of the remaining SFI options.

Another benefit is that James’ regional market is backed up by supply chain specialist Terravesta, which will take any surplus miscanthus to supply renewable power stations in the north east and east midlands.

Get involved

Farmers near Essex and surrounding counties are invited to set aside land and invest in planting miscanthus. With the first harvest expected in the second year after planting, the crop offers a viable, long-term, diversification option.

James takes care of the cutting, baling, chasing and transportation, which is all factored into the £55/tonne price paid back to the grower.

Farmers who are interested in becoming a miscanthus grower or looking at investment opportunities should visit www.terravesta.com, contact James at bedding@biosorb.co.uk or call 07887 686466.